Use "varicosity|varicosities" in a sentence

1. Waxing Hersch patronizing, varicosity Chivying evolves nevermore

2. Venous ectasias in varicosity are encountered as diffuse , circular or diverticular like dilatations.

3. Their fibers show varicosities containing transmitter vesicles and mitochondria with longitudinally orientated cristae.

4. In the case of a stage I or II varicosity of the great saphenous vein no morphological or pathophysiological alterations are expected.

5. Relevant to this discussion is the fact that an increase of dopamine varicosities forming Appositions with interneurons has been induced by exposing rats both pre- and postnatally to stress

6. In the aganglionic, constricted section of the colon from two cases of Hirschsprung's disease, adrenergic and cholinergic axons establish frequent synaptic contacts with smooth muscle cells by exposed varicosities.

7. Most of the nerve varicosities contained a large majority of small agranular vesicles along with some large granular vesicles, but about 20% contained a few small granular vesicles as well.

8. Nerve varicosities, mostly containing a predominance of small agranular vesicles with some containing a predominance of large granular vesicles, are located outside muscle bundles, usually in small- to medium-sized bundles.